For The Family

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Bethel is not the author of the following resources, but they can be helpful in the teaching and training of your children. 

First Catechism

Teach even the littlest ones the catechism with the First Catechism published by Great Commission Publications.

First Catechism Playlist

Learn the First Catechism through song!

Training Hearts & Teaching Minds

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds guides families through the questions and answers in The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English. Each question and answer of the catechism has six days’ worth of devotional readings for families to share together. The readings are simply written, with elementary and junior-high children in mind. They are also brief, out of consideration for children’s short attention spans and for the busy schedules of contemporary families. Teaching the Shorter Catechism has never been easier!

Glorifying and Enjoying God

For centuries, the Westminster Shorter Catechism has helped Christians young and old to know their “chief end.” Now, authors William Boekestein, Jonathan Landry Cruse, and Andrew J. Miller value this venerable catechism and winsomely introduce a new generation to its powerful message. Dividing the catechism into 52 brief devotions, they explain and apply each question and answer in a year’s worth of Lord’s Days. This valuable new resource is great for individual and family use for all who desire to “glorify and enjoy God forever.”

A Good Confession

A Good Confession, Daily Reflections on the Westminster Shorter Catechism gives individual readers, families, small groups, and even congregations the opportunity to study and ponder the rich truths stated in fifty-two of the questions and answers of the catechism. Each week’s pages include a story relatable to readers and to which the truth is applicable. Daily scripture passages to study are provided along with thought-provoking quotes from a variety of sources to solidify the truths in readers’ minds. Readers also are given a small part of a scripture passage to memorize each day as part of their reflection and an encouragement to hide the Word in their hearts.

Westminster Shorter Catechism (2nd Edition)

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is unrivaled as a concise and faithful summary of the central teachings of Scriptures. For decades G. I. Williamson’s study manuals on the shorter catechism have served as invaluable tools for instructing young and old in the Reformed system of doctrine.

Now newly typeset in one volume, this illustrated manual offers clear exposition of each of the 107 questions in the Shorter Catechism. Each lesson includes Scripture proofs, as well as questions for review or discussion. A valuable aid for group instruction or private study, this volume has been used successfully by homeschoolers, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and parents.

Big Beliefs!

Big Beliefs! is a devotional expressly intended to enable parents to succeed and children to grow in grace and knowledge. Three weekly readings accompanied by suggested Scripture passages introduce and simply explain thirty-three key theological concepts found in the Westminster Confession of Faith (included in its entirety, in modern English). Questions following each reading will help you to start a conversation about what you have learned each day. This nonthreatening, encouraging devotional will make a comprehensive beginning to your child’s understanding of Christianity’s big beliefs.

Shorter Catechism Memory Cards

Cards make memorization fun and easy for children and adults! Each perforated card has a catechism question on one side and the answer on the back. (Packet includes 107 memory cards and convenient cardboard, stand-up container).

This set uses a modern English version of the catechism.

Shorter Catechism To Go

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is treasured for its rich biblical truth in simple question-answer form. Take Shorter Catechism To Go anywhere on your phone, tablet, or laptop. (Modern verb usage such as “has” instead of “hath,” for example. Ten Commandments in ESV. Matches Digging Deeper curriculum)

Quiz yourself with interactive functions like drawing and tapping. Store in iCloud, Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, email, and more to access from anywhere, even offline (no data charges).

The Illustrated Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is a Bible-based teaching tool which contains a set of Q&A’s for guiding individuals in Christian doctrine. Based on the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith, the Catechism was done in 1647.

(This book contains no depictions of the godhead.)

Shorter Catechism Playlist (YouTube)

In this series of lyric videos, the Westminster Shorter Catechism is set to music as a memorization aid. Questions currently available are Q&A 1-43.

Shorter Catechism Playlist (Spotify)

This playlist features the Westminster Shorter Catechism set to music as a memorization aid. Learn the Westminster Shorter Catechism through song! 

Seeds Kids Worship

Hide God’s word in your heart by learning Bible verses through song!

The Biggest Story Podcast

Designed for families to enjoy on the way to school, after dinner, before bedtime, or anytime, the Biggest Story Podcast will introduce kids to 104 Bible stories and explain how they all connect to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Join us each Wednesday as we walk through a new Bible story of redemption and ultimately what – better yet, Who! – the Bible is all about: Jesus! Hear a dramatic retelling of these biblical stories by Michael Reeves along with a weekly memory verse and engaging teaching of how each story connects to the gospel. 

This podcast is based off of The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung and is published by Crossway.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9