We give thanks for the rich history God has given us. Bethel church was organized Independent Presbyterian Church on September 11, 1936 with Rev. Mr. Oscar Holkeboer serving as pastor. By January 26, 1943 Bethel became affiliated with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In 1945, Rev. John Verhage moved to Oostburg to continue the faithful ministry of the Word began by Rev. Holkeboer.
Since 1945, God has richly blessed Bethel in many ways. God has provided pastor after pastor who loved the Word of God and faithfully preached the whole counsel of God. God has provided Bethel with a strong internship program where men like Gordon Woolard, Jonathan Falk, and Douglas Clawson came to serve and were mentored in ministry skills.
God has given Bethel a heart for missions – both local and global. He has not only used Bethel to support missionaries but also to send its own sons and daughters to the mission field. We thank God for the faithful leadership of Rev. Don Stanton and Rev. James Bosgraf. God used these men to impart a passion for evangelism and supporting new church growth within our presbytery.
God has also blessed Bethel with a strong teaching ministry evident in Sunday and weekday courses for both adults and young people coupled with ministries aimed and discipling both young children and young adults.
We look back with gratitude and look forward by faith and prayer. We pray that God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to the world.